Hello friends it’s Tim here again from Super Mayhem Awhooo, and today we are going to celebrate a certain recent holiday with some sweet video game action.
That’s right, it’s Easter time and we all know what that means! Easter Eggs! And the death of Jesus Christ or something but more importantly Easter eggs! That once a year Chocolatey goodness in the form of eggs or bunnies or even the Easter bilby if you are from Australia that we all wait for!
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Hello friends, Tim here again for
another quick video game facts video. The final fantasy series is truly a
classic. The first game was released way back in 1987 on the old school
Nintendo Entertainment system, and has since spawned many different games and
is arguably one of the forefathers to modern day RPG’s. The franchise has even
branched out into other forms of media, including CGI films, anime, manga, and
even novels.
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Hello friends, Tim here again from Super Mayhem and apparently I am still sort of stuck in Halloween mode. Not really though as Resident Evil 2 is an absolutely awesome game and I was hoping to stream it on Halloween night however technical difficulties got the better of me, so ya know, it didn’t happen.
Anyway, survival horror games don’t need to be limited to October 31st right? Plus there is a new remake coming in the winds of 2019 so what better time than now to take a look at this game! So off we go with some random awesome facts, stats and any other interesting bits and pieces from the now cult classic Resident Evil 2. Don’t forget to smash that thumbs up button if you are a fan of the Resident Evil series or just a fan of video game facts in general too!
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