Hello friends, Tim here again from Super
Mayhem speaking these words too you.
video games are trending nowadays, more so than ever! May it be a
kindergarten toddler on their mum’s phone, a teenage guy or girl on
their console, or even a middle aged man living in his parent’s basement
smashing his computer, everyone is crazy about video games. When one
can buy such smart, thrilling, and entertaining games at a click of a
button is it really a surprise that the fever of video games is going up
and up?
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Hello friends, Tim here again from Super Mayhem and apparently I am still sort of stuck in Halloween mode. Not really though as Resident Evil 2 is an absolutely awesome game and I was hoping to stream it on Halloween night however technical difficulties got the better of me, so ya know, it didn’t happen.
Anyway, survival horror games don’t need to be limited to October 31st right? Plus there is a new remake coming in the winds of 2019 so what better time than now to take a look at this game! So off we go with some random awesome facts, stats and any other interesting bits and pieces from the now cult classic Resident Evil 2. Don’t forget to smash that thumbs up button if you are a fan of the Resident Evil series or just a fan of video game facts in general too!
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If you haven’t played Charlie the duck before welcome to a good bit of fun! It’s a bit like a Super Mario bros clone only featuring a duck! If you have played it before I know you already have a smile on your face with anticipation, willing the loading bar to speed up. Some of our older audience may remember this game being passed around as a suspicious looking stand alone .exe file many years ago, thankfully times have changed and we can now enjoy this risk free fancy flash version of Charlie the duck! Play the game for reals after the click! Continue reading →
I have always loved how video games somehow inspire people’s creativity. From paintings to poetry it never ceases to amaze me what people come up with as a dedication to their favourite video games. These 5 awesome Pokemon cakes are a prime example of what I’m talking about and really capture what CVGS is all about! Delicious cakes after the jump!
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Want to contribute to the internet in meme form? Why not start out with our first video game meme generator “Slowpoke”! For those of you that don’t know, this meme is generally used to troll people that are sharing old information. These usually start with “Hey guys, did you hear…” but feel free to get creative, we don’t judge too harshly here 😀 I look forward to seeing what you all come up with, but only registered members will be able to contribute!
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You know how I know that someone is going to enjoy these sprites? This game was the 4th best selling NES game of all time, selling over 2 million units. Despite it’s popularity however The Legend of Zelda is now amongst one of the rarest cartridges in the second hand collectors circles with a copy once selling for $1000usd (although you don’t have to pay that much if you check out ebay, quality varies though). Anyway, enough of my rants about the 1986 classic, let’s just check out the sprites!
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Final Fantasy 7 was one of those games that kind of blew everyone away. Incredible cut scenes, a fantastic story line and chocobo’s. What more can you ask for in a video game? It was probably one of my favourite games on the playstation and still brings back fond memories whenever I see the name or art work. Which brings us to the reason for this post! Here is an awesome 1280 x 1024 wallpaper/render of Cloud, the protagonist from Final Fantasy 7! Download after the click -> Continue reading →
A Nintendo 64 (and now DS too I guess) classic! Doesn’t 1998 feel like just yesterday? Older Nintendo fans will always hold a warm fuzzy spot for this magnificent game. Well now you can relive the nostalgia of this fantastic game in desktop wallpaper form! This 1920 x 1080 wallpaper features Link attacking with his token Sword and Hyrule shield. Download after the jump! Continue reading →
Computer background looking a bit dull? How does a New Super Mario Bros wii wallpaper sound? This awesome 1280 x 1024 wallpaper features not only our favourite plumber Mario but also his brother Luigi and a couple of toad companions. Download this awesome wallpaper now for free below! (after the jump) Continue reading →