Hello friends, it’s Tim here from Mario Mayhem, Awoo, and boy howdy do we have some game hacking action for you today!
So in this episode we are going to take on the 1994 classic Sega Genesis/Mega Drive classic Sonic and Knuckles! This direct sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog featured One of the game’s most revolutionary features with its “lock-on technology”, which allowed players to connect the cartridge with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 to create the expanded experience known as Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This innovation unlocked new levels, story elements, and character options, making it a must-play for fans of retro gaming.
Ignoring all this I thought we might just try out some game genie cheats for the game and see what we can do to break it, or just have some fun effects at least!
So strap in and hold onto your butts as we dive into the world of Sonic and Knuckles and some Game genie action!
There are actually several versions of this game released around the world, so for the sake of keeping things simple we are going to play the version Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 3 from the (USA) region with the (Lock-on Combination), so let’s see what we can do!

Starting off with the official Game Genie book, the code AANA-DYA0 sounded pretty sweet by claiming to give an “Orbital jump for Sonic” and far out did this make Sonic blast off! So at first I wasn’t quite sure what was happening as Sonic decided to fly off the screen when I jumped, but then I kind of got the hang of it…well, a little bit. If you just tapped the button gently then you would jump normally, but give this jump button more than a nudge and sonic breaks the space time continuum and flys all over the place! This actually broke the first level as I got stuck up above the boss fight and couldn’t go backwards or forwards…so we are off to a roaring start my friends!
Next up I thought we would slow things down a bit with the code AWXT-CA4C which is a bit more of a classic code for Sonic where you Don’t lose rings when hit! This was a super fun code to play with! Not only is it impossible to die regardless of how fast you run, but I ended up past the first level with a whopping 18 lives just from collecting my own rings that flew out of me! Finally, those annoying spikes are not so annoying, or something!

I just had to give the these next 2 codes a try at the same time! The code AANT-CAG6 Allows you to Become Super Sonic without any chaos emeralds and the code AENT-CAHL came with the awesome effect of only needing 1 ring to become Super Sonic! No chaos emeralds or anything else needed! And man did this one put the blast processing to the test! This was super fun, cruising through that first act and zone like it was no one’s business! I did get a bubble after the first act though which actually stopped me from using the Super Sonic abilities, which actually threw me off a bit, but then once I lost the bubble, er, intentionally, I got a bit excited and actually ended up getting a bit too ambitious and getting a game over, in true mayhem style!
Since we can play as Knuckles as well, I had to try the two line code AANT-CAGY + AAPA-CAB8 which boasted the incredible ability of becoming “Super-Duper” Sonic or Knuckles, PLUS the code NTPT-CA50 which also adds that rings aren’t used at all whilst in Super Sonic or Knuckles state! And well, this kind of didn’t work very well with my version. For a start I couldn’t get Knuckles to transform at all which was a bit of a bummer, but when I used sonic, well, Super Duper is the right word for this code! You can fly all around the screen like a mad man, to the point where you got somewhere but you don’t really know how you got there! Oh and that ring loss code didn’t really work either as my ring count still continued to go down when I was in super duper mode. Still, super fun though! I can see speed runners smashing this game with this code!
I think a big step up in this game is the bonus rounds, so let’s mess around with them! If we enter in the code RHJA-E60L then the Bonus round is always activated after every checkpoint which is pretty cool on it’s own, but with the addition of the code BXLA-EA5G then the Bonus round is always the Slot Machine! This actually worked really well! Well, not my first try at the bonus round where I wasn’t really sure what happened to me, but I did get an item, but then I grew to love Knuckles as a character anyway! This guy can fly, hang off cliffs, and has one of the best end of level moves I have ever seen! Talk about some sass! Having the bonus round at every half way marker is super handy as you are just about always guaranteed to have some kind of item for most of the game! Give this one a go next time you play!
Let’s move on from some of these standard codes though and try CA7T-AAE4 which claims to give a Black “Noob Saibot” style to Sonic/Knuckles/Tails! Man is this one a weird one! It is like some kind of weird shadow mode for sonic like he is in some kind of ipad commercial! It even effects your lives counter, the certain enemies and spikes and even your power up boxes! If you are trying to break the game then this is probably a good code for you to try!

Another weird graphical code is AEEA-AXCW which made the claim that the Screen goes berserk and flashes different colours, so naturally I had to try it out and not have a seizure or something! And man did it deliver! I think this code almost ruined my day, I don’t know who would find this mode enjoyable to play but it certainly isn’t me! I think I lasted about 1 minute into the game before I felt like jumping out of my window! I am still seeing a flashy sonic now when I close my eyes, arghhh, Sonic broke me!
So after having a rest and laying in the fetal position for a while, it was time to end on a more civilised note with the code ZAPT-CRH0 which let’s you Press Down for debug mode! Those of you familiar with the Sonic series know this is a staple! This mode allows you to place items, move around the screen with ease, spawn enemies, blocks and more! It is kind of like having your own Sonic Maker if you will!Ahh what a note to finish on, now to see a doctor about my Sonic eye condition…
Thanks so much for watching my friends! If you enjoyed destroying Sonic with me then be sure to smash a like on this video, subscribe to mario mayhem, check out the blogs and let me know in the comments what your favourte code was or would look like for this game! And with all that said, I’ll catch you soon my friends! Sonic Awwaaayyyyy!
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