Hello friends it’s Tim here from Super Mayhem, awooooo, and boy howdy do we have some game hacking action for you today! I seem to be on a bit of a Sonic rampage lately, which reminds me, if you haven’t already then get your answers in on the Luigi clap video that is all about Sonic 2, but the Sonic thing, that’s a good thing in my books. So if you love Sonic, Sega, 16 bit stuff or just game hacking in general then be sure to smash a big thumbs up on this bad boy and subscribe with the bell on too! And with that, let’s curl up into a ball and get going, Hedgehog style!
First things first, there are a couple of interesting things you can do in the 16 bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog without the need for a game genie! For example if you are on the title screen and enter: up, down, left, right; a ring sound will play and you can then hold A and start. If you have done it correctly you will have access to a level select screen! You might notice that this screen lists the zones in a whacky order, except for the first and last. This might mean that the order of zones was changed to account for difficulty levels or something. You can also access the sounds for each level down the bottom of the screen which is pretty cool too. Without getting too far ahead of ourselves there is also a game genie code that is AJ3A-AA4G which also gives you the option of selecting your level! We will get to more of them shortly though.

Another interesting code to enter on the title screen is actually the same as the previous except you push C after the directional input: up, C, down, C, Left, C ,Right, C; again a ring collecting sound will play and you can hold A and start until Sonic shows up in the level and then you have just entered what is known as debug mode. This is quite well known in Sonic games as an area where you can place items, become invincible and in general goof around and test stuff out. Well worth a shot, especially if you don’t have a game genie! I tried building a tower of red springs but it turns out if you go too high in the game then sonic will die, just a heads up. This is a crazy mode though that was intentionally put in place by the sonic developers to test things out. Go ahead and play as a rock, or just kill a bunch of mechanical fish, there are no rules here, it’s the best!

Speaking of the best I guess it’s time to take a look at some of the classic default game genie codes for Sonic the Hedgehog on the genesis. Before going any further if you are using hardware there is a master code that has to be entered for any cheats to work, and that master code is ATBT-AA32. If you are using emulation however you don’t need to worry about entering in this one.
Lucky for us there are actually some seriously cool default Galoob cheat codes for this game! You have the standard start with 1 life with the code AE3T-AACL and then a slightly more helpful one that lets you start the game with 5 lives when you enter AY3T-AACL – As always there isn’t much else to say about these ones other than they exist and can help or hinder you. The game genie code GJ6A-CA7A will give you infinite lives though so that one is a bit more helpful!
From these mundane codes things start getting a bit spicier though! For example, the code AE0T-CABE makes you stay invincible for the rest of the stage or until you die somehow, once you have hit an invincibility monitor thing in the first place. The invincibility music will stop after it’s normal period but you will remain invulnerable to pain, Pretty sweet! Pit’s still cause death though which I guess makes sense as there is no coming back from falling down an infinite hole.
AEOT-CABY is the same deal as invincibility, only with your bad ass speedy shoes!
There are a number of codes relating to ring counts too which is quite interesting. This ranges from the code SCRA-BJX0 which counts each ring you pick up as 2 rings, which is awesome but that’s not all friends, this goes all the way to the crazy cheat SCRA-BAX0 that counts each ring you collect as 8 rings! This is a fun way to rack up lives and points, if anyone cares about the latter! Coin TVs still give you 10 rings though, no matter the code. There are some fan discovered cheats that take this stuff even further but we will get to that later.
If you don’t want to go hunting for chaos emeralds but still want the satisfaction of having them then give the code AY3T-BA4R a try! This bad boy will have you starting the game with 5 chaos emeralds. Pretty neat!
The next 3 game genie codes are worth testing out for sure as they all have an effect on your jumping and are kind of similar to some of the default SMB1 codes. Who needs springs when you have DDLT-AAGL will give you what’s dubbed a “Super Jump”, BDLT-AAGL will let you browse the sky’s with what’s known as “Skywalking” which basically let’s you jump over the entire stage with just a few button presses and finally the code KDLT-AAGL is probably the least fun as it gives you a low jump, which is kind of more of a hindrance than a help with gravity pulling you down! And with those 3 we have rounded off the default game genie codes for Sonic the Hedgehog 1! I have to say they are probably some of the coolest default codes I have seen for a game so that has to say something about blast processing or something.

There are actually literally hundreds of fan discovered Sonic the Hedgehog genesis game genie codes! Way too many to show here so I’ll have to try and pick some of the best or this video will be hours long! To start with there is a nice extension to the number of rings picked up each time, the code HCRA-BAX0 makes Each Ring count for over 1000! Yikes that’s a lot of rings, it even glitches the counter! With that many you will need the cheat AWRT-AA5W which makes it so Sonic doesn’t lose rings when hit. Technically your rings do go flying but your counter stays the same, you can even re-collect the ones lost to increase your ring count! Pretty handy cheat really.
If you are playing for points then an interesting cheat is 663T-BA4R which will give you 9.999,999 points when you kill the first enemy! Are you still worried about rings with all of these codes? Try the cheat NRRT-AADY whenever you are hit with at least 1 ring when using this bad boy your rings will revert back to 99! You can easily rack up the lives by just getting hit by an enemy and collecting back 1 of the lost rings. It’s quite fun really!
There are also a few interesting enemy related cheats like NCLT-BYE6 which for some reason makes the good old crabmeats go crazy and fly back and forth across the screen! In fact you can even make them disappear with the cheat NCLT-B9E6 which makes levels that little bit easier I guess.
You can also try the game genie code MDLT-AAGG which will make projectiles from enemies weirdly float at the bottom of the screen! This also has the added bonus of making Sonic float when he jumps, so that’s something! Unfortunately it also makes the game unpassable as you can’t really jump up platforms, so you can’t get very far!
If you prefer your enemies scrambled like your eggs then try the cheat AEMT-ANS0 which throws all kinds of mangled up enemy sprites into everything throughout the world and even the Sonic intro. Look at this glorious mess! It kind of hurts my eyes and brain to be honest and also makes the special world unplayable as you get stuck. But other than that it’s pretty cool!
If you want to mess with Sonic then boy howdy are there some codes to do just that! Such as AY3T-AACE which simply gives you a disembodied Sonic at the start of the game in the title screen. You can’t even enter the game as when you press start Sonic just flies by. Or how about MDLT-AAGC which puts everything upside down and jumbles up the HUD when you jump? You get stuck too, you never land, stuck in the abyss of Sonic town.
HDLT-AAG8 was meant to just fly around as Sonic, but I got some illegal error! Whoops! Maybe you want to play Sonic but only at 50%? Well the code WWXA-AC32 will only show you 50% of Sonic on the title screen, so that’s pretty good.

There is a ton of codes that affect the graphics of the game, such as the code AELT-AACW which will produce what the creator calls “Atari Graphics”. This is actually super awesome as it accurately combines Atari graphics with a few 16bit sprites. It’s great watching Sonic flying around Atari styled levels and I think I even managed to get a chaos emerald in this mode but I’m not really sure.
Another interesting one is MDLT-AAG4 which will muddle up the animation of things and it all gets kind of jumbled up! It starts off subtle but you can only float around and then things get a bit chaotic and fly all around the screen.
I found one cheat that was simply labelled “Nightmare Code” so naturally I had to try it out! If you enter in your game genie AEMA-ACEE all kinds of weird stuff happens to the graphics! You can’t see rings, crabmeats are a weird mess but overall it is still kind of playable. I tried this out on Labyrinth act 2 and things underwater were not fun. I think I died from a giant Sonic head maybe?

Another one with a strange name caught my eye which is referred to as “Serial Killer Code”. AEMT-BAD8 naturally I had to try it. To be honest it wasn’t as bad as I expected, it will put various pictures into the background and foreground! It’s super weird but seems to leave enemies alone so it is actually a more playable version of the game than Nightmare Code, in my opinion anyway!
AEMT-BJB0 is a secret code that glitches all the scenery but you can still see and break hidden items and even see walls! The graphics are super crazy and seems to be filled with spikes. The bonus stage was whack as well, with numerous unobtainable chaos emeralds, lots of free falling and eventually getting stuck between 2 bumpers. My head feels funny.
Speaking of weird levels AEMT-BJB8 will give you some strange kind of special world! Not only are half the graphics missing from the stage but when you get to the special world by hitting the ring at the end it has loads of emeralds and even warps to other zones! The moment I entered I automatically got myself a chaos emerald, so that’s pretty good I guess! And finally if you really want to break the game even further than we have, then the code NELT-AADC will do just that! With this mysterious cheat in play everything will be completely glitched and be nearly impossible to play! I like to call it Picasso mode, that’s patent pending though. Weirdly enough the special stage is pretty much normal!
And that’s it for today friends! I really hope you enjoyed hacking Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis! If you did then be sure to leave a like, share it with your friends, make a comment maybe suggesting what I should hack next, share a code or just say hello, I’m lonely, and of course subscribe and ring the bell if you are new to the channel! There were just so many cheats I didn’t cover for this game so I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed some good ones, if you guys really like it there may even be a part 2 to the show, who knows? Any way that’s it for today I’ll see you soon!