When it comes to marketing, Nintendo has never shied away from some truly creative ideas — and their food-related promotions were no exception. Over the years, we’ve seen Super Mario cross into kitchens through everything from spicy curries to unforgettable breakfast cereals. Let’s take a look back at some of the most iconic (and hilarious) Super Mario food commercials that left fans craving more.
Continue readingThe Great Super Mario Bros. Flagpole Escape – Game Genie Hacks Revealed!
Jumping the Flagpole in Super Mario Bros. – Can It Be Done?
Hello friends, it’s Tim here from Super Mayhem! Awooo! 🐺 And boy howdy, do I have some exciting Super Mario Bros. Game Genie action for you today! Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wondered — what happens if you jump over the flagpole in the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES?
Continue readingThe time when Mario Mayhem was on the BBC
Since its inception in 2006, Mario Mayhem has stood as a testament to the enduring passion and creativity within the Super Mario fan community. Founded by Australian enthusiast Timothy Augst, the website has evolved into a comprehensive hub for all things Mario, offering fans a plethora of content that celebrates the iconic plumber’s legacy.
Continue readingHow to Make “Goomballs” – Recipe Mayhem
Live on YouTube! – Game Genie HiJinx
Hello friends! Just a super quick post to let you know we are live on YouTube at the moment, re-living some Game Genie Mayhem! Take a look when you have some spare time!
Stuff I did as a Kid you CAN’T do now! #science
Deffinantly do not try anything shown in this video.
You Won’t Last to the End of This Creepypasta!
Brand new video just dropped! Warning: It is creepy!
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
Get the game over here on Amazon now!
Super Mario Is Completely Doomed
New video just dropped! Check it out my Friends!