Hello friends it’s Tim here again from Super Mayhem, Awooo, and boy howdy do we have some fun game hacking action for you today! I‘m gonna be using a game genie for the Sega Genesis and you won’t believe what kind of results I get!
In this addition to our Game Genie Hijinx series we are going to take a look at the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive classic Altered Beast! And well, there are a few interesting cheats and cheat codes for us to take a look at!
So if you enjoy Altered Beast or just game hacking in general please do hit that thumbs up to support this video let’s try and get to at least 30 likes if we can, also if you are new then be sure to subscribe and ring the bell for notifications! And with all that said, on with the show!
For this first cheat you don’t actually need a game genie but it is still very worth your while to know! At the start of the game hold down A, B and C as well as down and left! Then when the title screen shows hit reset whilst still holding down all the buttons. Once you get to the title screen again hit start whilst still holding down all the buttons and you will gain access to this special secret screen that lets you select which kind of beast you will transform into for each level! Naturally the Dragon is the best but at least you can choose. Once you have set which beasts you want for which levels just press start to get it going. Whilst you are in game you will still need to collect 3 powerups (known as spirit balls) in order to transform but it is pretty sweet zapping that first head throwing boss to bits as a Dragon!
Another super handy non-game genie thing is accessing the options menu! To do this all you have to do is hold B at the title screen and then hit start! From here you can change the difficulty of the game and a bunch of other options like changing your amount of health! The coolest being that you can actually select the level or stage you want to begin on by toggling the “round” option to the round you want to access, then press start and then on the title screen hold down the A button and press start, and voila, you can now jump to the last level and get smashed like I did, unless you are a pro!
Moving on to the actual game hacking, there is a Master code that must be entered when using the actual hardware and the game, and that code is DCXA-AA22 however, if you are emulating the game you may not need to enter this as they often include these master codes for you. I whacked it in though just to be sure!
We will start off with one of the best codes for the game which is ATWA-AA8R with this bad boy enabled you are essentially invincible and no power will be lost from your gauge when an enemy hits you! For some reason the very first enemies actually die when you walk into them which is pretty cool. This whole code though is a lot of fun, for me anyway, I always enjoy a good invincibility code and to have one as a default code is just superb! Enjoy smashing your way through the game without the hassle of health!
Another super handy code is FT1T-AA5L which gives us a very useful infinite lives! Altered Beast is a pretty tough game and is also a bit skimpy in the lives department so this is a great code to have activated as you go through the game as your life counter just stays at 2! There are also life codes like BWXA-ACCT which will start you off with only 1 life if you want a challenge or the code BWXA-ALCT which starts the game with a nifty 5 lives. Not much else to say about these codes other than they can help or hinder you during your adventure!
There is also a really cool code that makes it so the first spirit ball you gather will automatically transform you into your beast for the level! Simply enter PA5T-BNT2 and then beat up the first blue pig you can find and the moment that sweet sweet spirit ball hits you, bam, you got yourself an altered beast! This is a good one to combine with the first cheat we looked at that lets you select which beast you want for which level! Give it a go!
For those of you that don’t know the first boss of the game that throws his head is actually called “Aggar”, so why is this important? Well if we use the code AEFA-AABW he becomes easier to beat! Not that he is exactly the hardest boss in the game but since we are looking at game genie codes we may as well give it a whirl! And boy howdy, does this bad boy work well, one hit baby, that’s all it takes to beat this head throwing goon! It’s well worth adding this code!
Speaking of codes that make bosses easier to beat, why not check out the amazing game genie code HTWT-B6KG which is super handy and makes most of the enemies you encounter easier to beat! In fact, you can just about 1 hit any enemy you want to and this even includes the first 2 bosses! You can really cruise through the game with this cheat if you have your kicks and punches down as it’s super easy to mow down the un-dead, pigs, snakes, weird purple mini McDonalds Grimis’ and as I say, even the boss battles are much easier. I can’t believe how cool most of the default Galoob game genie cheats are for Altered Beast! In fact, this code alone kind of makes the last 3 or 4 codes obsolete as they just focus on particular enemies or bosses being easier to take out, so we will skip them and head onto some of the fan discovered codes and see what kind of mischief we can unleash on the Sega!
So first up we are taking a look at the code MA5A-AAFT which is actually, surprise, surprise, super handy! With this cheat in play at any time during the level you can push down and the B button at the same time to transform up a level from your current status! This means with 3 presses of down and B we can become the wolf on the first level no problems! This had some interesting effects on level 2 though as instead of transforming into a dragon like you would normally, I used this code and still turned into the wolf! It’s a bit of a shame but what can you expect from some glitchy game genie codes!
The code AA2T-BAXE promised to be even better! Basically it auto upgrades your transformation for you without doing anything. And yeah, I turned into the wolf but then the game froze. Bugger!
There is even a code that is SE1A-AATE which will automatically transform you up a power up every time you get hit! With this one for some reason you also flash for a little bit which I think makes you invincible for a short period of time. I could be wrong though so give it a go!
I found a cheat simply called “character hyper” which is AA8A-AAPL and naturally I just had to give it a try! And man am I glad I did! This turns your characters walk cycle into something amazing, it is like he is power walking everywhere at a hundred miles an hour! I’m not sure about his action when he is buff though, he seems to be moving his hand quite quickly in an interesting position…This also effects your altered beast status as well, so if you came to see a power walking wolf, mission accomplished!
Another rather fun movement based code is ABBT-AAZT which puts your character into hyper drive! It is a little bit glitchy on the character sprite but you move wayyyyy faster which in this game makes it a little more fun as movement is normally a tad bit slow. You can also punch, kick, jump and use your Altered Beast special attacks faster than they can even register, meaning as long as you are a fast button presser you don’t really have a lot to worry about enemy wise!
Followers of my hacking videos will know that one of my favourite types of game genie cheats are when you can moon walk or multiple jump! Well guess what! Add the code WA3A-AABA and you can press A to jump till your heart is content! This does kind of sacrifice your punch to a degree (you do technically still punch) but with a moon walking trade-off I can certainly dig it! There is one problem though, if you jump too high and go off the screen you will get stuck up there and the game will continue on without you being visible. I guess you can’t win them all!
If you can manage to enter the huge 3 line code BAWA-AAK8 + BAWA-AAKA + H20A-AA42 you will be in for a fantastic treat! With this bad boy in place you will automatically 1 hit kill any enemy or boss that appears on the screen! That’s right, all you have to do is walk forward (or let the screen move you forward) and everything around you gets obliterated! You even automatically pick up any spirit balls that come by your way so you power up automatically as well! I did have some minor trouble on level 3 where I copped some weird damage for no reason but I still went by fine. If you try 1 of these codes yourself then make it this one!
And finally we will leave you with a truly bizarre cheat code! Enter in AA3A-AAAR as your game genie cheat and then when you are in the game just press the A button. Now you will turn into the actual boss of the game, sit there zapping for a bit, then scoot off and the game plays like normal! Well, except your character disappears, you don’t die and the game scrolls by until it gets stuck on this screen as you can’t attack to kill the last headless skeleton things. It’s a bit of fun to end on!
Anyway that’s it for today my friends! I do hope you enjoyed hacking the Sega Mega Drive classic Altered Beast! If you did then please hit that like button to see if we can get to at least 30 likes, subscribe and ring the bell if you are new and if you really like the Mayhem and what I do then why not check out the join button or our patreon page below to help support future videos, get behind the scenes action and see your name in lights at the end of videos! And with all that said I will catch you soon!